Horse Talk, Issue #003 -- Back in the Saddle… Horse Talk, Oct. 2010

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Let's Talk Horses...

Well friends, it’s been quite a year. We apologize for not having been more on top of the website. All we can say is we will try to do better. This past year has been a year of new things; we finally got our new barn built, have a new son and acquired a lot more experience working and training mules. Whit was born June 1st and is doing well. God blessed us with another big son. 8lb 11 oz. He is now four months old and weighs 18lbs a miracle in our lives. The new barn has 6 stalls with 16’ runs that feed into an alleyway going directly to the round pen. We were able to double the size of our tack room as well as making an area 60’ x 30’ to ride in out of the weather. Once again, another blessing. Now to the mules. We haven’t had much experience in the past with mules, that has changed. I was blessed to do some work for a fellow in our area who breeds some top-notch mules. I’d like to say I don’t know who learned more, the mules, or me, but I know the answer. I did. Mules have a way of teaching you things and we will try to get a mule page up pretty quick. We also took our first big family vacation this year. We went to Destin, Fl and my boys had their first encounter with the ocean… Again, one of Gods Blessings. I felt like I had some insights on horses and the ocean so be looking for a new page called “Going with the Flow.” I know it’s been awhile, and I hope God has blessed you as well. We are trying to figure something out on the questions page. We get so many questions; it has become impossible to answer them all. If you have any suggestions for this area drop us a line. Until next time, keep your pony between your knees.

Follow the links below for General tips...
For trail riders and roundup clubs, play days, etc.
For brandings and gatherings

Training tip for October…

The pages on the website – putting the head down backing up one step at a time, are really important to me. I know a lot of people want some big thing when it comes to horses, but this is such a strong foundation. You really get inside a horses head when he’ll calmly put his head down, back up one step at a time or flex – side to side at the poll. One of the things you’re teaching your horse is to wait on you. It may not sound like much, but it can really make the difference in time. I do this on every horse I ride before I ever put a foot in the stirrup. It helps the horse, helps me and lets me know where the horse is in his mind. Just some thoughts and they’re free.

What’s new at Horsetrue

Be looking for some more new pages coming soon on backing your horse, trailer loading, hobble breaking and feed time problems. If you have a specific problem in mind that you would like to see a page on, please let us know.

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